Thursday, January 5, 2017

Coding of Numerals Using Alphabets

The coding depends on

1 2 3 4 5
a b c d e
f g hi
k l m n o
p q r s t
u v
x y

1 = a, f, k, p, u
2 = b, g, l, q, v
3 = c, h, m, r, w
4= d, i, n, s, x
5= e, j, o, t, y


1 = aa, ff, kk, pp, uu
2 = bb, gg, ll, qq, vv
3 = cc, hh, mm, rr, ww
4= dd, ii, nn, ss, xx
5= ee, jj, oo, tt, yy

6 = ae  ... a+e
7= be   ... b+e
8= ce   ... c+e
9= de  ...  d+e

0= az, bz, cz, qz, AZ,ZA,.. Any two alphabets with z included

Coding using complement of ten
The coding is

1 is 9
2 is 8
3 is 7
4 is 6

5 =5
0 = 0

2016 = = 8093

Monday, August 15, 2016

Mathematics Web Site Fun

Coding the Letters in English Alphabets According to Sherif Monem

a 110
b 111
c 112
d 113
e 114

f 220
g 221
h 222
i  223
j  224

k 330
l  331
m 332
n  333
o  334

p 440
q 441
r 442
s  443
t 444

u 550
v 551
w 552
x  553
y  554

z  555




more advance

a 110
b 111
c 112
d 113
e 114

f 115
g 116
h 117
i  118
j 119

k 330
l  331
m 332
n  333
o  334

p 335
q 336
r 337
s 338
t 339

z  555



k 225
l  226
m 227
n  228
o  229


k 445
l  446
m 447
n  333
o  334

u 445
v 446
w 447
x  448
y  449

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Seven Words mnemonics Representing the Rainbow Colors by Sherif Monem

Roy Oscar Yells Grizzly Bear In Van  by Sherif Monem

Roy Oliver Yells Grizzly Bear In Van  by Sherif Monem

Roy Oiler Yells Grizzly Bear In Van  by Sherif Monem

Seven Words mnemonics Representing the Rainbow Colors Sherif Monem


Roy Oscar Grammar Book In Vault.

Roy Oscar Green Bucks In Vault.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Seven Words mnemonics Representing the Rainbow Colors by Sherif Monem

Roy Oscar Yells Grizzly Bear In Van  by Sherif Monem

Roy Oliver Yells Grizzly Bear In Van  by Sherif Monem

Roy Oiler Yells Grizzly Bear In Van  by Sherif Monem

Seven Words mnemonics Representing the Rainbow Colors Sherif Monem


Roy Oscar Grammar Book In Vault.

Roy Oscar Green Bucks In Vault.

Seven Words mnemonics Representing the Rainbow Colors by Sherif Monem

Monday, June 20, 2016

Coding System Using Rainbow Colors as Basic

Coding Using Rainbow Colors
Red 1
Orange 2
Yellow 3
Green 4
Blue 5
Indigo 6
Violet 7

John was in hurry.

O = 2

I = 6

R = 4

John = = 2

was = = 0

in = 6

hurry = = 1 + 1 + 3 = 5

John was in hurry. =  = 2065

Another Example

Mr. President Barack Obama

What is the number?


George Washington = = 1012

Abraham Lincoln = = 68

Note one can select the value assigned to every color in  reverse such that Violet =1 and Red =7

One can use A B C D E F system of any length needed.